Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bickering and complaining

OH the fun I have of being a gamer with out their own powered mechanical Transportation. ... A car or truck would suffice for that transport.Not having one I realize after a few years of not owning one leaves me to be in a lifestyle where I stay at home most of the time. This leaves for allot of time for me to think, play the video games that I have, and to plot of pen and paper game plots that I think I might never get the chance to run or play in. Ya, I have a couple of friends but the conversations that I have if any are tense at times or we have somewhat drifted apart, all I can say is that the city that I live in needs at least one decently good pure Gaming store, but there are none since the last one closed that I know of in walking distance. And since most of the country is motor vehicle centered sidewalks have not been that big of a necessity in some areas of the city.

The fun of the internet is limited when the most fun I have had are playing pen and paper games and they had fallen apart due to other issues arising or the limitations of various forms of messaging (and my own trouble with the typed/written word, I speak better than I can type/write.) My own upbringing had beaten into my head to be non-confrontational by nature (sometimes I wonder how I would have turned out if I was enrolled in the martial arts through childhood.)

This just happens to be the current thoughts on my brain that I could think of to type up. Hopefully I can get more prolific in my posting.

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