Monday, March 29, 2010

Remembering things...

Forgot, I had started a blog again, the things that slips my mind.

     Well on things I could comment about. well there are games that I have played and own, then there is the fun I have with my fund and expenses. I am impulsive at times. with little control it seems when I try to keep it. Add in a dash of forgetfulness and a public schooling where the home ec. class I took consisted of credit management and smart spending with no actual lessons in cooking and other tasks one could do at home. Along with the fact that I am bipolar, manic/depressive, and have Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (since I was a kid on the adhd the others I developed) I get all sorts of fun...
     Oops I wandered again, damn I seem to do that easily. Enough about the fun mental instability that I have with a healthy distrust of most psychs, since most of the ones I can afford are the ones who insist I take an anti-depressant, and anti-anxiety, and an anti-seizure (gee I wonder why I need to take the third, maybe because the other two when combined will cause what I would need a third for, not as a 'mood stabilizer'.)...

     Damn it not again... it seems I will not be getting to games currently because I seem to need to get a thought out. Well my thought is this: the war on marijuana are thus. Legalize Marijuana. Regulate it just as you do Alcohol and Tobacco, and Firearms. The amount of money crime syndicates would make would be crippled if this was taxed and treated the sales of this drug as a income. The hemp industry would improve lives with cheaper materials with a better renewal rate than what we use for certain product, like PAPER! But the textile industries manufacture these products would fight like madmen against this happening because it means that the prices they charge for items that could be made at half to 1/4 the cost than it is today would lose money as people realize the prices they pay for those items is B.S. The medicinal effects they are trying to get chemically could be treated better with the marijuana. and not leave the user in a narcoleptic cotton stuffed mentality. Hell the true reason it was illegal in the first place was to control the African-Americans and Latinos. The bogus stories that they made up to vilify the plant had the help of the world's best P.R. department that the U.S.A. has HOLLYWOOD!

Well now since I got that out later.

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